Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Buck Downs, Corrine Fitzpatrick & Greg Fuchs

The Burning Chair Readings
invite you to experience leap year w/

Buck Downs, Corrine Fitzpatrick & Greg Fuchs

Friday, February 29th, 8 pm
Unnameable Books
456 Bergen Street
btwn. Flatbush & 5th Aves.
north Park Slope, Brooklyn
nearest the 2/3 but easily accessible from almost any train


A native of Jones County, Miss., Buck Downs lives and works in Washington, DC. Recent books include Ladies Love Outlaws and Recreational Vehicle.

Corrine Fitzpatrick is the author of two chapbooks - ZamboangueƱa (Sona Books, 2007) and On Melody Dispatch (Goodbye Better, 2007). She's working on a new set of poems called Minor Crimes and Casualties, and will have other poems out in vehicular number one, a new split-side series from press gang.

Greg Fuchs is the author of several books, including most recently Metropolitan Transit (isabel lettres) & Bored of Education (Rock Heals). He is columnist-at-large for Boog City and with John Coletti co-edits Open 24 Hours Press. His photographs and writing are available online at

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